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Team Clean
How do our cells keep themselves clean?
What is our brain made of?
Sleeping Across Species
Why do different animals have different sleep patterns?
Silly Sights
Create your own wonder spinner and make two images look like one!
Test Your Touch
Test the limits of your touch receptors!
Topsy Turvy Toss
Can we trick your eyes into thinking you are somewhere else?
Squishy Circuits
How does our brain send messages?
Hear Here!
How does our brain know where sounds come from?
Nurturing the Brain
What do different parts of the brain do?
Tricky Treats
What senses do you need for taste? Test your ability to discriminate jelly bean flavors in this tasty activity!
Magic Mirror
Is that arm mine? Be tricked into thinking your arm is not your own through this illusion!
Battle of the Bird Beaks
Learn how animals' specialized body parts help them survive!
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